I was about to sleep yesterday night around 12 and got this idea. There are several social service organizations in and around us. Why dont we create a single place to access all these organizations, so that if you want to help, you wont end up searching for some organization.
We can actually set up a website with the updated service news or events , place some ads on it and give that revenue to these organizations.
Below is a list of Social service organizations in Bangalore after some level of googling.
The Akshaya Patra Foundation - An organisation providing quality fresh, hot & nutrition-rich food to the underprivileged students everyday.
Greenpeace India - Greenpeace is a non-profit organisation focuses on the most critical worldwide environmental issues such as oceans & ancient forests protection, fossil fuel phase out and the promotion of renewable energies to stop climate change, nuclear disarmament and an end to nuclear contamination, elimination of toxic chemicals and preventing the release of genetically
engineered organisms into nature.
Rotary Club of Bangalore Cantonment - Provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations and builds goodwill and peace in the world.
I felt this is one way of spreading the word for these organizations.
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