Monday, June 02, 2008

Global Warming !!!

Global Warming ----------- A Real time Warning :-( !

It is already june and the monsoons haven't set in Coastal Andhra
Pradesh. Even the early showers for this year are missing.
Temperatures in Nellore recorded an max average of 42 and 44 or 45 as
the highest.
It is not the same Nellore i have grown up. May be we should do
something as we are also responsible for these changes!

I stopped coming on my bike for a week as a protest for the hike in fuel
prises and to lessen the pollution.
I felt the BMTC buses in Bangalore are the most safest & cheapest mode
of transport than any thing else on these roads. U can happily sit in
the bus not worrying about the traffic or the signals. Only thing is
that you have to start a little bit early. If you start an hour before
from home, the buses and the roads will be less crowded, and you can
reach office happily and quickly also.

Try it if it is possible for you and see the results.


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