Monday, February 17, 2014

Bangalore Lions Blood donors like NirmalaSeva

Hello friends,
Just wanted to share an update about NirmalaSeva[].
Today morning, LionsBloodLine[ ] Bangalore "liked"   our nirmalaseva page .
We posted some blood donation camps conducted by them earlier but i never expected them to follow our NirmalaSeva page.

Now this means that the admin of LionsBloodLine will come to know of all the events that we post on NS and can take a call to post it on their page, which means that the count of our kind hearted audience has increased and this is big leap for us.

Thanks to one and all for all the "Likes" and  "Shares" that you did and the moral support that helped us take NirmalaSeva forward.
Best Regards,
Sarath Budam

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